
About the Administration Area

This is the administration area for the Yarmouth Neighborhood Crime Watch program. You will need to register an account to access information in this area. Here you will find reports, forms and other Neighborhood Crime Watch data.

Who Can Register

You will need to be an Area Captain or NCW team member to register an account. If you aren't able to register and feel this is a mistake, please contact your Area Captain. Your access to our data will depend on your role in the NCW program. Block Captains will have access to our forms, training materials, a CAT archive, and selected reports. NCW Team members will have additional access to all reports, agendas and minutes of team meetings. Only Area Captains will have access to update the database. If you see errors in information, please contact your Area Captain to get it corrected.

How to Register

You will need to have a valid email address on file to activate your account. If you need to add or change your email, contact your Area Captain. To register, click on the Register menu choice on the right. Select your name from the drop down list. You can type the first letter of your last name to go to that section of the list faster than scrolling. Once you have selected your name, you can create a user name and password for logging in to the Administration area. The user name must be unique, you will be notified if the one you enter has already been taken. The password must be 6-20 characters long and can include letters, numbers, an underscore, # or $. Once you register, you will receive an email at the email address we have on file. The email will have an activation link, you will need to click on this link to activate your account.


As a reminder, you have signed a privacy form. All data including telephone numbers, email addresses and other information is confidential and shall not be utilized for any purposes other than the NCW program. Data must not be shared with third parties. See the privacy form for full details.